Cancellation policy
Below is the list of steps to cancel your membership or subscription.
Note: Refunds of single summit, course purchases, or your first subscription payment are available up to 14 days after the date that the payment is received.
The annual membership fee will be automatically charged and the subscription will be renewed a year from the day you first began the annual membership. You may cancel at any point during your subscription and still have access to Heart Mind Institute content through the time you have already paid for. For example, if your annual membership begins on May 15th, you will still have access to the content through to May 15th, of the following year. Refunds and reversals of that year’s membership are only available in the first 48 hours after the renewal fee has been charged.
The monthly membership fee will be automatically charged, and the subscription will be renewed each month on the same day you first began the membership. You may cancel your subscription at any time and still have access to Heart Mind Institute content through the time you have already paid for. Refunds and reversals are not available for monthly memberships.
Heart Mind Institute
+1 (508) 613-2095
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